Sesc XXIV de Maio
Rush hour - Metro Sé
Sun bath - Avenida Paulista
Liberdade - Paraiso
Sunday walk - Cerro Corá
Meeting at the park - Parque Trianon
The gun – Praça da República
Lunch time – Bairro da Liberdade
Outside the club - Parque Da Água Branca
78 years old - Parque da Luz
Painting the sky - Bairro da Lapa
Playground - Minhocão
Waiting for the bus - Avenida Paulista
A dog's life - Higienópolis
A fine drizzle – Avenida Paulista
Proud to be different - Avenida Paulista
You'll never be alone - Rua Augusta
Art of surviving - Downtown
crime scene - Anhangabaú
Backing home - Metro Luz
Motel - Pompeia
As the city burns we stand up – Metro Bras